The red rose ritual

For those who prefer to include the rose ritual in their ceremony, here is a text that could be useful, in which you can make any changes you want, in fact, many couples change the final part, where it talks about the problems in couples and says that the rose speaks for you. For us, problems are solved by talking and as we usually say at the beginning of our ceremonies: ‘Never go to sleep angry’.
In this text that we leave you here below there are some variations that we have made, such as making the rose change colour, including it at the end of the ceremony just before the final kiss, in couples with children, that their children also participate in this ritual, it is always personalised to the taste of each couple and circumstances.
If instead of this ritual you prefer any other, please contact us and we can provide you with the text of the ritual of your choice to incorporate it into your ceremony.

Text for the rose ritual

‘Name groom’ and “Name bride”, just a moment ago you said your wedding vows and we have all witnessed the exchange of your wedding rings. These rings are a manifestation of your love and respect, and a public token of your commitment.

Now it is time for you to give each other your first gift as husband and wife, which will be a single rose that was white at the beginning of the ceremony and is now coloured _______.


Just as the rose has changed colour, your life together will be full of changes, and at some point there will even be some anger. So remember this beautiful moment to get through everything together.

Since ancient times the rose has been considered a symbol of love, and giving a single rose had only one meaning: ‘I love you’. That’s why I can’t think of anything better than a single red rose for your first gift as husband and wife.

‘Name groom’ and “Name bride”, now exchange your first gift as husband and wife.

In a way it seems that nothing has changed, that everything remains the same. A moment ago you were holding a red rose in your hands, and now your hands are still holding a red rose. In a way it is the same with your wedding. In a way tomorrow will not be much different from yesterday, and yet today, right now, you have just given and received one of the most beautiful and precious gifts of your life, which I hope you will never forget, the gift of true and everlasting love.

‘Name groom’ and “Name bride”, I ask you a small favour, when you get home look together for a nice place where to put your roses.
On each wedding anniversary, each of you should place a rose there as a symbol of the renewal of your vows, and to remind you that your marriage is based on love.

In every marriage there are times when it is difficult to find the right words.

It is easy to hurt those we love the most, just as it is easy to be hurt by those we love the most. And yet sometimes it can be very difficult to say to our partner ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘I forgive you’, ‘I need you’ or ‘I’m hurting’. If this should happen, if you simply can’t find these words, leave a single red rose in that place for her to speak for you.

That rose will say ‘I love you’. Your partner will accept this rose and know that in it are all the words that you cannot find. That rose will remind you of the love and hope that you both share today.

‘If there is one thing you should remember about your wedding, it is that it is love that has brought you here today, that only love can make a wedding ring succeed, and that it is because of love that your marriage will endure.

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